Privacy Information
Fibre Optic FX Limited (FOFX) recognise that privacy is very important and that the information you provide of a personal nature should not be used other than to aid with the provision of the services supplied.
For this reason fibreopticfx.co.uk will never distribute your personal information to any third party without your expressed permission in writing. FOFX servers automatically log ip addresses and use cookies to enhance the functionality of the system. The information gathered by our servers will only ever be used to enhance the functionality of the system and the service we provide to you.
We may only use the personal information you provide during registration or logged by our servers during use or any subsequent information provided or obtained during use of the system as part of the service we are providing directly to you the user.
We will endeavour on request in writing to (info@fibreopticfx.co.uk) to provide you with a full list of the type of and actual personal data we have gathered during your use of the system.